By now, tens of thousands of Windows users have installed a critical update from Microsoft to precent the malicious worm the Conficker from crashing their PC's...
...In a related story, tens of thousands of PC's have recently crashed due to a critical update from Micrsoft.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
This Just In

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Worth it's Weight in Wool
I know I'm overdue for an original post, but seriously, this is awesome:
More original stuff coming soon. In the mean time, feel free to check out some classic humor bits.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Matter of Opinion?
This is priceless...or 100x priceless, depending on how you do the math:
Check out more fail topics over at ...or on here by clicking the "fail" label below.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bumper Fail
No Child Left Behind...

Oh, what, you want more? Fine.
Click here for more funny photos or here for more fun with kids.
Just don't click here.

Monday, March 09, 2009
Always Read the Label
Frequent reader Jim forwarded another great video about a new item from one of my favorite companies, Apple:
But that's not the real news (well, it never was the real news - more like the fake real news, but this is different, it's the "news" that I - oh, screw it). The real news is that Jim has now been added as a label. It's down there at the bottom, take a look, I'll wait...

Terrellbile Geography
Did you hear this? After being cut from the Dallas Cowboys, Terrell Owens signed with the Bills. During the press conference, T. O. explained that he is excited to be

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Did You FLY? In the AIR?
Louis CK on Conan. If you've ever been to one of those presentations where they tell you that today's high school and college students don't understand classic references - "They've never seen carbon paper," "They think Paul Newman makes Salad Dressing," etc. - and that, therefore, YOU need to change then you'll really appreciate this.

Monday, March 02, 2009
See? They are giving you a hand
So, there's a new product out for your Blackberry or iPhone called: