Saturday, September 19, 2009

This'll have to do...

For a while now I've wanted to post one of the infamous (or maybe non-famous) Robert Smigel bits from Comedy Central's TV Funhouse
(it ran back in the twilight of the last century): the one about the boy suppressing his "natural urges."

But alas YouTube and Hulu came up short, so you'll have to settle for this:

1 comment:

  1. there is a pro.......
    blem with me wat.......
    internet vi.......
    eos. Can you g........
    uess what the pro.......
    blem is?.......
    Yeah. That's ri.......
    ght and it's ma........
    ddenning, t........

    (TV Funhouse uses simplicity, and that is also my gig. In fact, they are more complex than i attempt, but then, they are also way more popular than I.
    HA! Anyday now....Me, too!)


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